My days at Gurye High School are numbered. Literally. We're down to 3. ><>
I wrote all of the 2nd graders goodbye notes. For one of my most "challenging" students, I wrote in Korean, "Sometimes you give me a headache, but it's okay because I can joke around with you." Yep. he liked that. Whatdoya know? Giving me a headache was probably his daily goal.
Anyways, here are some excerpts from letters my students wrote to me:
"I think you was in hard time during teaching students for about 1 year because I know our school students are ... very... childish." haha
"I joined Facebook! I will leave message for you in everyday! I can promise with you."
Youngmee, this one was particularly touching/sad:
많이 이야기를 하진 못했지만 그래도 쌤 가니까 너무 아쉽고 슬퍼요 나름 정들었어요! 안가면...안돼겠죠? :(
Also this week, I made two huge posters with pictures of my students from the year. It's been a good year.