Monday, December 28, 2009

Lucky Girl, Awesome City

I finally escaped the madness that is holidays in Gurye. Last Sunday I made the 4+hour trek to Seoul to begin my internship at the Fulbright office. Note, when I left Gurye, it was 50-degrees and sunny. When I surfaced from the subway (toting a huge bag) it was a blizzard.

Nevermind that. I was in Seoul. I moved into my apartment (located in the Fulbright building). It's beautiful. Coming from an apartment shared by 5 people to an apartment to myself was stunning. Here are some pictures.

Ah! A bed!

So, yeah. It's really nice. I just finished my first day in the office. I'm working here until January 15th. It's going to be BUSY. Wish me luck!


  1. Glad you landed safely and have a comfortable place to live. Enjoy!!

  2. The apartment looks great, and hopefully you have heated floors in this one also. Enjoy the peace and quiet, and all the extra space.

    Love you.
    AS & UJ

  3. To our dear Amy-Where do we begin to tell you how special all your blogs are. They mean so much to both of us. Attimesit is hard to realize you are half way around the world! Your Momsaid Megan is goming for a visit.Really cool honey. ENjoy your internship. Loved the vidios especially the talent show ones. Had a nice birthday surprise. Went to see Banana Spheil in Chicago. I was surprised. Went to dinner afterwards at Baileys and then back to your home for Cake. A real nice day. Uncle Jeff is going to put you in the family picture. All this technology baffles us! Know how much we miss you Amy-Love G @ G

  4. Thanks for the posts - I laughed through the talent show videos. Kids...they just want to have fun. I can't imagine the teachers (I assume some of them are my age) sitting through these. Their experience of high school so different from these students'. It must be difficult for some of them at least.

    When you were taking clarinet lessons and practicing hard in the high school, I bet playing with a bunch of Korean high school kids on Christmas Eve in a talent show wasn't really on your mind. Never say impossible, right?

    Your place in Seoul looks great and hope you have a good time in the city. I miss the bustle of the city sometimes, but maybe not the traffic - both cars and people.

    The cake ceremony cracked me up too. They had great cakes in Seoul, though, I have to say. The bakeries in Seoul had bakery chefs trained in Europe and they were great. Not all of them, but if you know where to go, you can get some great bread and cakes there.

    Happy New Year!
